Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lush Haul +Gorilla Perfumes!

Hey there beautiful, time for a Lush blog woot! I heart Lush products. If you don't know, they are a handmade cosmetics company based in Canada (I'm pretty sure) and they make lots of amazing bath products and stuff like that. Probably one of the biggest draws for the company is that most of the stuff they sell is vegan and they also use lots of fair trade ingredients and organic ingredients. I'm not vegan, but I appreciate the effort. So on to the haul.

The first 2 things are kind of boring. I got a shampoo tin to keep my Soak and Float shampoo bar in because though the thing works wonders, it makes my entire bathroom smell like a fireplace. The tin will contain the smell. Ok quick detour for the shampoo. So I was using regular crappy shampoo and my Macadamia Oil hair mask twice a week and regular crappy conditioner the rest of the time. I then purchased a Godiva solid shampoo bar from Lush. A shampoo bar is just what it sounds like, you swipe the bar over your hair a couple times, maybe 3 or 4 and it lathers super nice. The Godiva was looooove, it made my hair shiny, light and smooth and so soft and smelled super nice. Yeah but about two weeks later I broke out in a rash on the back of my neck and my scalp started itching really bad and my mom checked it and said I had tons of flakes. Gross. So I stopped using the shampoo but it didn't help. So I also stopped using my conditioner and the Redkin blow dry lotion which was making my hair like silk. It got better but not completely. So I decided to buy Soak N Float shampoo bar from Lush. The rash went away after 2 uses and the itching and flaking got tons better. So I used my lotion again and it came right back. Grr. Now I'm using the shampoo and it is keeping the itching at bay and the rash is almost gone. I don't know what it is from, the shampoo, the conditioner, the blow dry lotion, something I'm eating, stress from the last few weeks of school...who knows. One word of warning about the Soak and Float (I don't know if it's "N" or "and") it smells...bad. Most people say it is horrible but you know, I don't think its really super terrible. I wouldn't prefer my shampoo to smell exactly like a bonfire, but its not the worst. Plus I got the Jungle conditioner to go with it and it smells better, and the smell doesn't linger after the shower. AAaanyway, we will finish the haul.

Next I got a new Buffy body butter bar. I have one and it is almost gone so I got a brand new bar of goodness. I have to admit, the smell was a little bit of a turn off at first, it wasn't gross, but there was just something I didn't quite like. But it grew on me, I like it now, it has a lavender scent to it but its not florally or sweet. A word of caution, it is extremely exfoliating, and it kind of hurt the first time I used it, but I use a light hand and it is perfect for my itchy dry skin. Basically you smooth it on in the shower, rinse it off and when you get out you are perfectly moisturized. No slathering on lotion. Awesome.

Of course, I can't buy from Lush without getting at least one bath bomb. These are basically the bomb. I will resort to using outdated slang if I have to. I got the butterball because it is so popular and was pleasantly surprised to find it smelled amazing even in the package. Haven't used it yet. Review on all the bath bombs I've used is coming soon.

Next thing I got is kind of different. I got a deodorant called Aromorant. I don't want to use the deodorant from the store because it has aluminum in it, so I broke down and got a more natural one. Ok but guys, this is sort of embarrassing but I sweat a lot, and ONLY on my underarms. Even when I work out, I don't really sweat anywhere else. And I don't want to smell bad!  So I used like clinical strength deodorant, this was some serious stuff. But I noticed that if I forgot to put it on, it would be bad news. So I'm hoping that this natural stuff will help. Someone said to give it about two weeks before your body can detox all the bad stuff out and the natural stuff will start working and be efficient enough. So I'm giving it a try. It smells good, like lemon and a little sandalwood and it comes in a naked solid bar. You just rub it on your underarms and the warmth of your skin will melt a tiny bit off. Hm.

Next thing I got I'm so excited to try! More shower jelly! I love love my blue Woosh shower jelly that I got during my exciting in-store visit while I was on vacation for spring break. It smells great, it wakes you up and even my husband sneaks some sometimes so you know it doesn't smell girly at all. I just tear a little piece off, smoosh it into my shower pouf and it lathers up perfectly. But this time, I got some Sweetie Pie. It smells like grape soda and candy and it has SPARKLES in it! Ah! I guess my husband won't be sneaking any of this one.

So before I talk about the perfumes, I want to talk about my favorite little bonus thing Lush does. They always send me two little samples of stuff to try. I always get two slivers of the soaps. The best one I got was Honey I Washed the Kids (looooove it) and this time I got 17 Cherry Lane which smells sweet with some floral notes and I also got a little sample of Ocean Salt Scrub which I have been wanting to try. It is a salt exfoliator and it smells like the beach.

Ok on to the perfume. I got the box sampler which has a little vial of every kind of Gorilla perfume available. Since I don't have a store near me, I can't smell them and I was dying to know what they all smell like so I got the little sample box. I knew the samples were small but for some reason I was expecting the box to be a little bigger, I couldn't find it at first and thought they forgot to send it! It has 8 little vials of perfume in it and I'm going to review a new one every day. I'm not big on perfume, but I really like these so far. I just take the little top off and dab it on my neck, I don't even tip it to get the product out, just the little bit left on the end is what I use and it is enough.

So TUESDAY I tried Orange Blossom. It smells intense in the bottle but is a different story on the skin. One thing I learned about perfume is that it smells so different from the bottle once it warms up on your skin and I also know that it can smell different on different people. It really does smell like Orange Blossoms which is a scent I LOVE when it comes to real orange blossoms. It was sweet and floral and orange and great.

WEDNESDAY (today) I tried Breath Of God. It smells really cologne-like in the bottle. Once on, it lightens up a little and has a nice smell, I can't really describe it but I think it will be a favorite. I think this could work well for a man or woman, but what do I know about perfume?

I will review the rest, as they come!
LOTS more blogs coming soon!

Edit: I just realized that today is no longer Wed. but I haven't gone to bed yet so it is still Wed to me.

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