Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

 I was given this:
Yay, I'm so excited! Thank you so much to Minnie at http://beautyblogger1891.blogspot.com/. Check out her blog, I follow it and I love it!
The Rules
1. Link back to the person who gave it to you.
2. List 7 things about yourself that you haven't mentioned before
3. Tag 7 people and let them know you've done so!

 1. I have had my hair dyed almost every color ever. Black, red, orange, blue, greenish blue, purple, brown, white, light pink and hot pink.
2. I can't eat pork, it makes me really sick.
3. I was homeschooled my first 3 years of high school.
4. I've only been to two other countries besides the US. (Mexico and Jamaica)
5. I used to have pogs!
6. My mom taught me to read when I was two and a half.
7. I am horrible at math.

I tag:
Adventures of a nomad just trying to find her way
Beauty Barbie 16
Elle Says
Juicy Conoir
Love. Life. Beauty.
I know I'm supposed to tag 7 people but I really tried to give the award to people who don't already have one, and many of the bloggers I like and follow have one already so this is the best I could do, hope that's ok!


  1. Congrats!
    You deserve it! (:
    <3 Lizzy
    *Check out my blog and see how you can easily be featured soon! (:

  2. Thanks! I would have given it to you too but you already had one!
